Another DIY Flash Experiment

Another DIY Flash Experiment

Only this one is a little more involved than the macro studio light box thing. That has been working wonders! I’m so happy with it and the light I get out of it. It’s every bit as nice as natural light but it has the added benefit of being stronger so I...
A Macro Studio for Free

A Macro Studio for Free

Wow! Thirty minutes of effort (and most of that spent trying to find the tape and tissue paper) and absolutely no cost and look at the light it created! Oh, this is so exciting. Do you see the detail in that dogwood blossom? I’ve never been able to stop down the...
Feathered Visitors

Feathered Visitors

Well hello there Mr. & Mrs. Purple Finch! I am so excited that we are finally starting to get some visitors to our new bird feeder. Of course they couldn’t have come during March so I could have contributed more to Jill’s adorable Tweeter Board but...
Love that Lensbaby

Love that Lensbaby

Just a few of my favorite shots so far. Someone said somewhere that Lensbabies and flowers go together like peanut butter and jelly. Yeah. I’d have to agree. Loads of inspiration here! And Madeline Bea wrote a beautiful post (full of pictures of her little...
Two-tip Tuesday

Two-tip Tuesday

Once again, I’m going to link up with Kim Klassen’s Texture Tuesday — what a fun link party that was! I didn’t get a chance to comment on nearly as many pictures as I wanted to but all the ones I did see were just lovely! Sweet Kim’s...
Flash, flash, flash…

Flash, flash, flash…

Oh boy! Now I’m really starting to regret this! Well, not really regret, but I definitely can see how much I have to learn (and how much more equipment I’m going to need!) I didn’t get set up shots for either one of these pictures, sadly. But there...
Lost in Time

Lost in Time

At least that’s how I feel about these shots I’ve been taking with Vignette and posting to PicPlz. PicPlz is an clone for us non-iPhone people. It’s the b-team of the mobile photo sharing sites. Oh well, at least it lets me post my shots...
Light from Above

Light from Above

I first picked up my SB600 when I wanted to take a portrait type shot of my then 3-month old. The camera store guy recommended that I get the Fong Lightsphere to go with it to diffuse the light and create a softer picture. I recognized it as the same thing the lady...
A Month of Flash — Day One

A Month of Flash — Day One

Oh boy! THIS is going to be a challenging month. Joe McNally helped me figure out how to get my flash off the camera and as I work my way back through his book again, I’m picking up more details but, oh my, this light stuff just isn’t always so intuitive....
Cell Phone Camera Apps

Cell Phone Camera Apps

Is there anything more fun?? I’m knee deep in them right now – playing around and deciding which ones I like best. For my android cell I’ve tried: fxCamera: okay retroCamera: GREAT! FREE! camera zoom fx: can’t get the gallery to open within the...
Goodbye March! And Good Riddance!

Goodbye March! And Good Riddance!

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” Charles Dickens Oh March! You never fail to disappoint! Sure you start off with some warm days and brighter sun but...
Two-tip Tuesday

Two-tip Tuesday

I’m linking up with Kim Klassen’s first Texture Tuesday blog party because it’s such an awesome idea!! Her textures are just beautiful and always so versatile and adaptable! I used her “Warm Sun” texture on Pixie. It may look like spring...