Only this one is a little more involved than the macro studio light box thing. That has been working wonders! I’m so happy with it and the light I get out of it. It’s every bit as nice as natural light but it has the added benefit of being stronger so I can really bring down the aperture. Things look like they are in focus now! I love it!

So I thought I would try again with another freebie DIY flash modifier. I choose this one — a grid spot made from corrugated boxes. It’s not very pretty to look at but look at what it does!

Now, I need to figure out exactly how to operate it! As you can see my aim is off a bit on the light — it should be a bit higher or a bit to the right but, what can I say, I didn’t have the greatest help in the world. Those 4 year olds just can’t seem to hold the flash steady and keep it in the general vicinity where you told them to aim. : )

But it’s true — even with a stationary subject, it’s hard to hit the mark. Will take some practice. It almost seems like it should be a two light set-up. One for general lighting and then the grid for the spot lighting. Since I only have the one light, I’ll have to figure something out. I tried to expose for the outside and then use the grid to highlight the kid/teddy bear.