The Call: Flame Red — Jessica

Sometimes the call seems like it’s a piece of cake. Say “blaze” and the first thing in my mind is a gorgeous sunset blazing across a colorful sky.

Well, we don’t often get sunsets like that around here — and then there was also our rainy, overcast forecast for the day. So, I did the next best thing and found a bit of stained glass. The red petals of the stained glass lamp looked a bit like a blaze of flame. Right?

Book Blaze in a Bowl — Cheryl

Yes, I burn books, and most people consider that taboo. I understand where this comes from, but I also think that ascribing too much importance to the idea of “book” is akin to worshiping false gods. Not every book should have been published, not every unwanted book donated to a thrift store will find a home, and not every book needs to be revered simply because it represents freedom of speech. I contend that, with the rise of self-publishing, it’s even more true now. This particular, spiral-bound tome was a self-published homeschooling book extolling the virtues of literature and denigrating “twaddle.” The problem was that the book I reduced to ashes was, itself, twaddle.