Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: red


The Call: Animalia — Cheryl This is Luke’s laundry. Most everything has a Puma on it — or a white, orange, and blue horse.




Warm vs. Cool Thoughts — Cheryl People observe the colors of a day only at its beginnings and its ends, but to me it’s quite clear that a day merges through a multitude of shades and intonations, with each passing moment. A single hour can consist of thousands of different colors. Waxy yellows, cloud-spat blues. […]

Take Three

Second Call: A Single Rose — Cheryl Yesterday, Bridget came home with this lovely red rose. Today, I decided to use it for a relatively straightforward series on backgrounds. I tend to favor clear, bright colors (the blue background is the wall of my studio), and I like the contrast between the red of the […]


The Call: Sparkling Dragonfly — Cheryl This is an art journaling layout I started today. I’d love to establish an art-jounaling-every-single-day routine. The Response: Domestic — Jessica A million ideas came into my mind with this prompt: establish routine, establish limits, establish rules, establish creative outlets, etc. But in the end I realized they all […]


The Call: Flame Red — Jessica Sometimes the call seems like it’s a piece of cake. Say “blaze” and the first thing in my mind is a gorgeous sunset blazing across a colorful sky. Well, we don’t often get sunsets like that around here — and then there was also our rainy, overcast forecast for […]


The Call: Six Iron, Five Iron — Cheryl Luke started walking the day he turned nine months old. He started swinging a golf club within nine months of that. His handicap is now 0.3. Luke is passionate about golf. He loves the challenge of mastering a sport that always throws something new at him. He […]