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I’m dating myself but the Talking Heads song was rolling in my mind the entire time I read the assignment to create a timeline of our creative journey to this point.

There is so much more that lead me to this point but some things cannot be shared. And that’s okay. I’ve left out the why for most of these points but that could fill volumes. There have been a lot of failures, a lot of false starts and a lot of sacrificed opportunities. I sometimes feel that the purpose for all of this is hidden from my vision. But failure doesn’t deter me. I keep marching on.

Creative success doesn’t happen over night, I agree. But at the same time, when you don’t know where you are going any road will take you there. I think there is something to say for having a desitination in mind and a road map for how to get there. Process seems so bureaucratic — endless meetings and procedures. Who wants that?