Challenge is a dragon with a gift in it’s mouth. Tame the dragon and the gift is yours. (Noela Evans)

Happy Texture Tuesday everyone! My 13 year old son has suddenly renewed his interest in origami and made this dragon the other day. I think it is the perfect creature for a “dream” shot, don’t you?

As you know I’ve been challenging myself this month with the night photography shots for my 365 project. And it really has been challenging from both a technical and a practical aspect. There have been plenty of times I’ve felt like wimping out and several times when I have but I’m finding a lot of truth in that quote. Taming this dragon has taught me a quite a few things. Here in list form:

1. I really like thinking up shots and taking the time to compose and arrange them — rather than just snapping when I see something. I dream of having more time to do that.

2. I like drama and strong contrast in my photos — it may be less refined, but I can’t help it! I love strong vibrant colors and contrasts. I dream of a more colorful world!

3. Even though I’ve been “into” photography since my youngest was born over 16 years ago, I still feel like a beginner. I dream of the mountain of knowledge that I still must climb up.

and the biggie — the one that I’ve barely admitted to myself because I somehow feel silly saying it:

4. I dream of being a “real” artist: of having a show of my pictures, of even selling a print or two.

Hopefully, if I can tame that dragon, I can claim that gift. One day…

{Dragon included Kim’s Dream, Luminous and Soft Shale textures as sell as a painted texture from Jerry Jones.}