240/365: The Big Dipper

Oh boy! This night photography challenge is certainly proving to be quite a challenge!

The number one rule of the 365 project is to get the shot of the day early, right? Well, that’s pretty close to impossible when you have to wait until 8:45pm (at least) for the conditions to be right. It’s taking all the discipline I have to get up and go out into that dark and sticky night to find a subject. ; )

245/365: Sticky Summer Night

I have 7 shots left until this is over. I’ve learned a lot from a technical perspective, although I’m still hunting and pecking for the exposure, I have done my first HDR blended photo and it came out much better than I expected. If things are slow enough this week, I may try to get up a walk-through of what I did.

249/365: After the Zombies

At any rate, I’ll be quite relieved when this challenge is complete. I think I’ll try something nice and easy for August. Cell phone shots, anyone?