75/365: Amputated

Wow! I can’t believe I only have three more days of black and white. At the beginning of the month I decided to process every POTD in black and white for all of January. Why? Well, why not, really! January is not exactly the prettiest month around here — it’s all grey and gloomy and just plain colorless. So I thought I would use that opportunity to learn how to process black and white better.

63/365: XO XO

Boy did I ever learn! Just playing around on my own at first, and then with the help of Creative Black and White: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques, I feel like I have really expanded my ability to “see” in black and white as well as to max out the tonal range in black and white.

53/365: Cleaning Up

I’m hoping to get another video tutorial up soon about my workflow — it’s easy enough but uses some unusual tools like LAB color space.

50/365: Mystery

As for a favorite photo of the month, I think I’ll have to go with my 14 month old, Luke. After all, nothing is more beautiful than a sleeping baby, right?