…torn down trees in all their autumn glory. It almost brings tears to my eyes! It was very painful to watch yesterday as they bulldozed the remaining trees on the lot across the street from my home. Two large pine trees and three large maples were ruthlessly bulldozed over. Ah, it was awful!

That’s the area I live in. Just outside the capital beltway in the Washington D.C. suburbs — where being busy is a competitive sport.

The house that use to sit there was not a very happy house. It had a history of police visits and it was a run-down, worn-out, and trashed-up place. I must confess that I wasn’t at all sad to see it be torn down. Land is scarce around here and people buy tear-downs in order to have new, modern homes closer in to the city.

But why did the trees have to suffer? Couldn’t they have left a few around the perimeter?