The Call: Green Tips — Jessica

Spring is coming! This little patch of daffodils is hidden behind a large bush on the side of the house that we rarely see. I knew that the tips would be bursting through the ground by now but I was surprised at how far along they really were. And the crocuses were gone — already dried up and drooping over.

All this means that spring is coming. Now if I can only make it through March. Growing up in Texas, March was the beginning of spring — sunny days, warm breezes, flowers everywhere. Even though we’ve lived in Virginia for almost 18 years now I still feel like March ought to be warmer and prettier than it ever is. March is still grey and dull and cold. At least it no longer gets dark by 5pm. I’ll give it that. But for warmth and color, I have to hold on until April.

Response: The Tipping Point — Cheryl

Our remodeled foyer features white v-groove wainscoting about two-thirds of the way up the walls. A ledge tops this wainscoting. One ledge holds framed photos of most of us. A few days ago, I placed a goofy, giggling toy atop the ledge after picking it up off the floor (again). Today, Jack noticed said toy and wanted it, so he reached for it. A moment later, we were all shocked by a very loud, explosive CRASH when a photo on the ledge hit the floor, sending glass flying. This was the tipping point for me. I didn’t want to get upset about the incident, and I didn’t, but the chain of events it caused left we little time to accomplish what I had hoped to accomplish (like eating lunch) and that’s what upset me.

All is well now. Nobody sustained injuries, Jack has learned a lesson (I hope) about asking for help, the foyer is much cleaner than it was seven hours ago, and I eventually found enough time for nourishment.