A desaturated still life image featuring a cup of tea, a pocket watch, a book, a pen, and a bottle of ink

The Call: Assembled — Cheryl

I don’t like to complain that my life is busy, since we all lead busy lives. I’ve found, though, that there are comfortable, normal levels of busy, and then there are the when-do-I-get-to-come-up-for-air levels. It feels like the latter type of busy has been my lot in life for at least two months now. I’m always scrambling, always getting by, but never quite slowing down enough to savor anything. This evening, I worked on changing that, if only for 30 minutes or so. I guess Jessica’s last post inspired me. Tonight, before picking up Bridget from her play rehearsal, I thought about the still life image I’d like to create. When Bridget and I returned home, I got to work setting the stage. I then spent close to half an hour arranging and rearranging, shooting and adjusting, and shooting some more.