
Call: New Beginnings — Jessica

To renew something means more than just to begin again or do over. It implies a strengthening of purpose, a firming of resolution, a clarification of vision. I hope that we have managed to do that for Call and Response after our little sabbatical.

After our initial year, we experimented with different formats in order to find something that would both inspire us and fit into our busy lives. I think the new format that we launch today will do just that.

It was not by coincidence that our break came at Lent. I had been feeling very dry creatively and badly needed a retreat. I put down my big camera and pulled out my phone and downloaded Hipstamatic. I shot with a high contrast black and white preset and kept processing to a minimum. I didn’t try to do anything other than focus on shape and shadow and contrast.

Doing that renewed my eye. I began to see things that I could photograph again. I began to want to grab the big camera. But I let it sit out – until Easter. And then! How wonderful it felt in my hands…the weight, the buttons, and the sound of the shutter all brought a thrill to my heart, again.

So, here we are. Renewed. Refreshed. Ready for the journey.