The Call: Function Over Form — Cheryl

I want to live in a poetic world, but the reality is that my life is written in prose. I imagine fancy tea parties with beautiful tablecloths, gorgeous bone china teapots, plates, cups and saucers. I own plenty of elegant accoutrements, but they are either inaccessible, inconvenient to use, or already shabby looking — and not the good, chic kind of shabby — the had-tea-parties-with-the-kids-and-these-napkins-are-chocolate-stained-forever shabby. Perhaps someday. In the meantime, I pour tea from the old Corningware pot and try to appreciate all the good stories in my life.

The Response: Tulips with Prose — Jessica

I was inspired by Cheryl’s accidental double exposure yesterday to go back and try some more with my camera. The book was really just an excuse to take more pictures of my tulips. It wasn’t until I was processing it in Lightroom that I realized I had chosen a page with a poem. It was suppose to be the “prose” of the call.