The Call: Feather Abstract — Cheryl

We almost live in the woods, so there’s plenty of nature outside my door. That does not mean, however, that I don’t want any of it in my house. Henry found this feather a few years ago, and I’ve held onto it since. Right now, it resides on my handpainted magnetic canvas, accompanied by photos, postcards, receipts and even a Cosmo Kramer cutout from the back of a cereal box.

The Response: Green & Bare — Jessica

I had a beautiful shot from yesterday’s walk around the park that would’ve fit the nature call. But it was yesterday’s shot. Today was not as conducive to getting out doors (even though the weather was MUCH better) and so I only had this last minute grab from our back yard. I do like the way the evergreen bush contrasts with the bare maple tree branches. But that’s about as good as I can do. There is always tomorrow.