
The Call: Piles & Piles — Jessica

When people find out that I have seven children, one of the typical responses is something like, “How do you do it? I can barely manage one (or two).”

“Well,” I reply (channeling Rodney Dangerfield), “Not very well — have you seen my house?”

Well, now you have seen the house and it’s actually in pretty good condition in this shot. Only three or four loads left of laundry waiting for their time in the washing machine and the clean clothes haven’t piled up too high either.

The baby is having a nap in the stroller. Don’t all babies nap in strollers? At least every child after the first, right? We were at the park and he fell asleep on the walk home. It was only then that I realized he hadn’t had a nap yet. It was 4:30pm. Yeah, I’m a real manager…let me tell ya!

Response: Stitching — Cheryl

Today, I actually managed to start a project AND finish it. That makes me happy. (Disclaimer: I did not do any of the embroidery. That was done by my mom: on an apron I deconstructed.)