A red dragonfly perched on a stem in the sunlight

The Call: Dragonfly Sunlight — Cheryl

Today, I shot more than 150 photos, and I could have used about half of them for today’s call. When you take advantage of the natural light, you get some naturally gorgeous photographs.

sunshine through leaves

The Response: Autumn Light — Jessica

Light? What can I say? It’s the whole point of photography.

I love it when it’s strong. I love it when it contrasts with shadows. I love it when it dances through the leaves to the forest floor.

The more I learn about the light the better my photographs become. As I become better at controlling the light, I feel like I am better able to craft the photos that I envision.

For that skill, I thank Michael Freeman. His series of books on exposure and composition have been my all time favorites.

As far as controlling light, I have learned all I know from David Hobby and Joe McNally.