two boys jumping on stairs

The Call: Jump — Jessica

Faint hearts never won fair maidens.

The two-year-old hesitated for exactly two seconds and then followed his five-year-old brother, jumping down the entire flight of stairs two at a time. One time through was not enough. At the bottom, they turned and ran back up in order to hop down again and again.


Response: Golf Team — Cheryl

My son Luke has been involved in sports for most of his life. He’s played organized basketball, soccer, baseball and golf. As a parent, it doesn’t take long to see through the games played off the field: parents coaching Little League so their kids are assured of good positions on the team, complaints about lack of playing time, that sort of thing. The golf team is refreshingly different. Positions are earned in practice play. The player with the lowest average plays in the number-one slot, and it goes on down the line. That seems fair.