
The Call: Sound — Jessica

I was driving home with my daughter this afternoon trying to brainstorm a word for the call.

“How about blue?” Catherine offered.

“Too easy.”

And so it went until I suddenly came upon “eloquent.”

Alright. So now to figure out what the heck I’m going to do with that call!

Yesterday, as I was looking through all those photographers in that list I tweeted out, I came across one who used photographic paper to capture images of sound waves. I can’t seem to find the name or the page again (maybe it was a dream? It was late at night and I was half-asleep.) But I thought it was very cool.

This afternoon, as I was cleaning up the kitchen and running the garbage disposal, I noticed that it was creating soundwave patterns in the running water. The rest, is the image above.

I find that I am more eloquent with visual expressions than written ones. ; )