The Call: Patched — Cheryl

Old sweaters are comfortable. They are seldom flattering, but it’s not always about looking good. When a rather large hole appeared in the front of this one*, I decided to patch it. I wasn’t trying to hide the fact that it’s no longer perfect or pretend that I’m a great seamstress. My motivation was simply to get a few more months (years?) of service from this favorite. So I had fun with the project, cutting hearts from a felted wool scarf Dennis no longer wears, backing it all with a piece cut from one of Jack’s old shirts, and sewing it together by hand.

*A few months ago, after finding holes in the front of a nice shirt I had bought not less than a few weeks before, I finally investigated this phenomenon that has plagued me (and my shirts) for years. A relatively quick search on Google led me to a Squidoo lens written by a woman with the same problem. She had, indeed, solved the mystery. Our shirts were getting worn out by rubbing between the tops of our jeans and our granite countertops. She and I now wear aprons when working in the kitchen (most of the time, anyway).

The Response: Red Sky at Night — Jessica

The setting sun (and this night a very colorful and vivid one) means that it’s time to wind down and get ready for the evening. For me that means the comfort of jammies, a robe and a nice cup of tea.

Do you see all those swelling buds on the tree branch at the top of the frame? I take a lot of comfort in that too — it means that soon there will be color back in the landscape. Oh green! I miss you so!