The Call: My Clothes are not Me — Cheryl

How do I appear to the rest of world? I get the feeling that it’s quite different from the way I appear to myself, and that’s probably why I seldom look in the mirror or voluntarily have my picture taken. That may also be why I so enjoy my online life. I can put forth the person I think I am, through my photos and writing, without worrying about my physical appearance adding another layer to the conversation.

My Inside-Self and my Outside-Self
Are different as can be.
My Outside-Self wears gingham smocks,
And very round is she,
With freckles sprinkled on her nose,
And smoothly parted hair,
And clumsy feet that cannot dance
In heavy shoes and square.

But, oh, my little Inside-Self—
In gown of misty rose
She dances lighter than a leaf
On blithe and twinkling toes;
Her hair is blowing gold, and if
You chanced her face to see,
You would not think she could belong
To staid and sober me!

    —Rachel Field, “My Inside-Self”

series of parakeets at Reston Zoo

The Response: Parakeets in the Shade — Jessica

It may appear that this picture has nothing to do with the word prompt. It may also appear that I ran out of time. In fact, both of those things are true. I guess when we have company in town we should cut ourselves some slack. Right? But in an effort to keep up appearances and make sure everyone knows that we can do all and be all, well, I mean sometimes those balls we juggle just come crashing down, don’t they?

But as my favorite movie heroine would say…”tomorrow is another day.”
