Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Month: May, 2014


The Response: A Lens that Seldom Sees the Light of Day — Cheryl Most days, it seems as though I’ve forgotten that I own a Lensbaby. I seldom take it out of my bag and attach it to my camera, because I have seldom gotten a shot with it that makes me happy. I look […]


The Call: Forgotten Film — Jessica Cleaning up around my desk the other day, I came across a roll of undeveloped film. I’m not sure how old it is, when it was shot, or how it got on my desk. Rather than ponder these mysteries, I decided to pull out the boxes where I keep […]


The Response: Our Lady — Jessica On the feast of Our Lady of Fatima this was in one of the psalm prayers in the morning office: “Clothe us with the weapons of light.” Just the inspiration I needed.


The Call: Animalia — Cheryl This is Luke’s laundry. Most everything has a Puma on it — or a white, orange, and blue horse.


The Response: Before It Goes Away — Cheryl When I saw the pattern the sunlight and a basket was making on the floor of my studio, I yelled for Stella — prodding a bit so she’d move quickly — and hoped I’d get the shot in time.


The Call: The End of the Blossoms — Jessica Spring seems to happen overnight. One day the trees are still bare and then the next there is a haze of green and then BAM! the next day everything is in bloom. I guess it shouldn’t surprise us when the blossoms are gone almost as quickly.


Gone to Seed — Jessica “The grain of wheat does not remain alone, for it includes the maternal mystery of the soil — Mary, the holy soil of the Church, as the Fathers so wonderfully called her, is an essential part of Christ.” —From Mary: The Church at the Source


Call: A Leotard and a Tutu — Cheryl Stella did not even realize that she’d be dancing in a recital, until Bridget came home from her dance class with some costumes in a bag. Ever since we removed Stella’s from the bag, and she saw all that pink, purple, and sequined goodness, the upcoming recital […]


Response: I Will See God in the World Around Me — Cheryl Prayer After Communion Look with kindness upon your people, O Lord, and grant, we pray, that those you were pleased to renew by eternal mysteries may attain in their flesh the incorruptible glory of the resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. I encountered that […]


Call: New Beginnings — Jessica To renew something means more than just to begin again or do over. It implies a strengthening of purpose, a firming of resolution, a clarification of vision. I hope that we have managed to do that for Call and Response after our little sabbatical. After our initial year, we experimented […]