A pretty accurate picture of how I feel at Chuck E. Cheese…
TTV with a Lensbaby?

TTV with a Lensbaby?

Teatime and ttv time… Sure, why not? Hmm…it’s a little dark (which could have something to do with the grey and dreary east coast winter). It’s shot with my cell phone (Samsung GS3) through the viewfinder of my Canon 5DM3 with the Lensbaby...

Clyde B Hulbert – Spanish-American war… #wreathsacrossamerica

Taking pictures of the Potomac with her ipod….@ Great Falls

I'm cross-posting with my collaborative 365 blog today…the call was "inputs" and I think I'll talk about how creative inputs are all around us if we only have the eyes to see. I'd loved it if you visited!...