Photographers I {heart}: Friday Finds

Photographers I {heart}: Friday Finds

Sharing finds is half the fun! Making a “spark” board on Pinterest has been a very interesting process for me. I usually think of Pinterest and someplace to randomly scroll through late in the evening — like you would flip through Southern Living or...
Lofty Goals are Arrows in my Quiver

Lofty Goals are Arrows in my Quiver

Icons, Icons, Icons I have had icons on my mind lately as I am reading “The Little Oratory.” Elizbeth Foss and Leila Lawler are doing a wonderful summer read-along podcast that has been so lovely to listen to. Normally, books like this have a tendency to...
Videocasts I {heart}

Videocasts I {heart}

What are you watching on YouTube? I subscribe to quite a few channels but these three, well, I get a thrill up my leg when I get a notification that a new episode is out. 1. The Art of Photography — Ted Forbes is awesome! Always educational, from historical film...
Approaching Solstice

Approaching Solstice

We’ve lived in this house for ten years. I’ve been avidly (or should I say obsessively) walking around with a camera for six of those years. You would think that I would know the light in every nook and cranny in every season and yet I still find...
On the Topic of Inspiration…

On the Topic of Inspiration…

Just after publishing yesterday’s post, I rounded up the kids and went to the library. After chasing the three year old around the kid’s section, and before we checked out, I dragged them all over to the four shelves of photography books. Sometimes there...