Curate. The word seems to be popping up everywhere I turn these days. The idea is powerful: someone finds the good stuff and shares it with others who have an interest. After all the human brain is more powerful than any Google algorithm and can find things of value in places that the internet sometimes over looks.

With that understanding, I am going to start sharing a lot of the good stuff that I come across. I’ve always thought of my blog as more of a place to post my original content. Twitter and now Pinterest have, I thought, been better collectors or curators of interestingness. I’m beginning to see the value in offering you, my dear readers, a one-stop shop. So to speak.

Along my travels around the internet, I have gathered quite a collection of quotes by photographers about photography. I will be sharing those here. Every Thursday. Maybe it will make you think or inspire you during your weekend shooting. Enjoy! And let me know what you think!