Last Friday we took our first adventure trip of the summer. We went to the botanical garden a mile our so from our house. It only took us five years to make our first trip but since then we go several times every summer.

They just completed the Korean bell garden and while that section is a little spare I’m sure it will fill in as it grows and be as lovely as the other areas.

But the bell is magnificent! I’ve never seen a bell like this before. The carving is so fine and delicate and intricate. I am trying to find a time to return – I would love to be able to photograph it in the warm, golden sidelight of late afternoon.

I just happened to have the lensbaby on when we reached the bell garden but I like the airy feel it adds to the subject. It’s been awhile since I pulled the lensbaby out – I should do it more often. It’s fun and challenging at the same time. Going all manual really gives my brain (and eyes) a workout.

After our walk, we had a picnic lunch and then played bubbles and attempted a portrait or two of the littlest guy. The bubbles were a hit – the portraits Were not. We’ll try again another day.