Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: summer


The Call: Waving Underwater — Jessica I had my doubts (and fears) that the waterproof bag would work. But I took the plunge (or rather my phone did) and tried it anyway. The phone was unharmed but the experiment was kind of a flop. Mostly because the screen was impossible to see, not only because […]


The Response: Building an Arsenal — Jessica …because in the summertime, water balloons are so much more fun than “air” balloons. (That’s wasn’t too much of a stretch, was it? We didn’t make it to the pool so I couldn’t get the shot that I thought of yesterday. Oh well, maybe tomorrow!)


The Call: Under the Tree — Jessica Is there any better way to begin the summer break than reading a good book under a tree in the cool shade?


The Call: Time to Mow — Jessica Summer means that the grass grows. When it gets too tall it needs to be mowed. It’s a endless cycle until the cold weather of winter stops the growth. It’s a repetition that my sons, who do all the mowing, do not look forward to. Response: Dots — […]