Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: poetry


The Call: Youth — Cheryl I dwell in Possibility A fairer house than Prose, More numerous of windows, Superior of doors. Of chambers, as the cedars — Impregnable of eye; And for an everlasting roof The gables of the sky. Of visitors — the fairest — For occupation — this — The spreading wide my […]


The Response: Impermanent — Cheryl The Poet’s Fate by Thomas Hood What is a modern Poet’s fate? To write his thoughts upon a slate; the Critic spits upon what is done, gives it a wipe — and all is gone.


The Call: My Cup of Tea — Cheryl Drinking tea is about so much more than satisfying one’s sense of taste.


First Call: Ghostly Graveyard — Cheryl Poem in October It was my thirtieth year to heaven Woke to my hearing from harbour and neighbor wood And the mussel pooled and the heron Priested shore The morning beckon With water praying and call of seagull and rook And the knock of sailing boats on the net […]

Grandeur, Dignity, Power, Rebirth

Second Response: Beauty and Power — Cheryl In every age the Church has called upon the arts to give expression to the beauty of her faith and to proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God’s creation, the dignity of human beings made in his image and likeness, and the power of Christ’s death […]


The Call: Orange Daylily — Cheryl Flowers by Harry Behn We planted a garden Of all kinds of flowers And it grew very well Because there were showers, And the bees came and buzzed: This garden is ours! But every day To the honeyed bowers The butterflies come And hover for hours Over the daisies […]


The Call: Easter Monday — Jessica Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see Thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee, Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Response: Tulip Shoots […]


The Call: Perfect Pears — Jessica I was moving these pears around my kitchen this, wiping down the counter after breakfast. I loved their bright, spring green color and their curvy shape. As soon as the light got better in my study, I fired up the camera and put together a little still life. I […]


The Call: Snack Time — Jessica Miss T It’s a very odd thing – As odd can be – That whatever Miss T eats Turns into Miss T.; Porridge and apples, Mince, muffins and mutton, Jam, junket, jumbles – Not a rap, not a button It matters; the moment They’re out of her plate, Though […]


The Call: My View — Cheryl One window is all I need To understand the world that lies ahead To see what is in store for my future To learn about the values of life To understand the feelings of others To wander the world with my eyes and heart open To find a love […]


The Call: Sunshine in Autumn — Cheryl November Night by Adelaide Crapsey Listen … With faint dry sound, Likes steps of passing ghosts, The leaves, frost-crisp’d, break from the trees And fall. The Response: Thin Edge — Jessica l(a le af fa ll s) one l iness — e.e. cummings


The Call: Rooftop of the VFW — Jessica a·mor·phous   [uh-mawr-fuhs] adjective 1. lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless: the amorphous clouds. I never thought that freedom was amorphous. Response: Amorphous Substance — Cheryl Immortality by Emily Dickinson It is an honorable thought, And makes one lift one’s hat, As one encountered gentlefolk Upon […]


The Call: Wrinkled Water — Cheryl The fierce wind longs to take them, these flags of warmth, of sensuality, longs to wrench them from home over the wild lake waters, over the trees stripped of reds and golds, to fly like Mary Poppins’ umbrella, spreading magic high above frozen land. —Elizabeth Hobbs, “Hanging Red Flannel […]


The Call: Folding Poetry — Cheryl My fingers grasp the linen. My eyes check edge alignment. I make sure the folds are crisp, The fabric without wrinkle. The tablecloth you left me Must be completely perfect, Before I pack it away Forever. The Response: Plenty to Fold Tonight — Jessica …seven loads later, I can […]