Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: Longaberger


The Response: Before It Goes Away — Cheryl When I saw the pattern the sunlight and a basket was making on the floor of my studio, I yelled for Stella — prodding a bit so she’d move quickly — and hoped I’d get the shot in time.


The Call: Not a Picnic — Jessica It was too hot and muggy outside for a picnic today, and besides it kept threatening to rain. So we pulled out the art supplies instead. I’m in a bit of photographic rut. And then I saw this and it all made sense: Thinking is hard. Snapshots are […]


The Call: Dew Drops on Roses — Jessica Today was the Worldwide Photowalk. I was lucky enough to participate in a walk at the botanical garden down the road from my home. While it was nice to wonder around the beautiful grounds with my camera gear, it was freezing cold and after about 10 mintues […]


The Call: Local Harvest — Cheryl After Jack’s “checkout” with the pediatrician, we stopped at the shop of our local apple orchard (less than half a mile from our house: quite convenient) and picked up a few things. Tonight, I’ll use the plums and apples in a crisp, the cucumbers as a side with our […]