Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: Gerard Manley Hopkins

Grandeur, Dignity, Power, Rebirth

Second Response: Beauty and Power — Cheryl In every age the Church has called upon the arts to give expression to the beauty of her faith and to proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God’s creation, the dignity of human beings made in his image and likeness, and the power of Christ’s death […]


The Call: Easter Monday — Jessica Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see Thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee, Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Response: Tulip Shoots […]


The Call: Perfect Pears — Jessica I was moving these pears around my kitchen this, wiping down the counter after breakfast. I loved their bright, spring green color and their curvy shape. As soon as the light got better in my study, I fired up the camera and put together a little still life. I […]