Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: dinner


The Call: New China King — Jessica The frequency with which we order Chinese food as increased has more of my kids have grown to appreciate it. Yeah! Response: Walking on Sunshine — Cheryl I photograph Stella with less frequency than I did — say — a year ago. She just moves too much now.


The Call: Piling Up — Cheryl There are days when I just can’t be troubled to do laundry. Within a week, I inevitably regret that decision. The Response: So, What’s for Dinner? — Jessica As a child, I was a very picky eater. Often, after turning my nose up at another dinner, my poor frustrated […]


The Call: Biscuits in the Oven — Jessica As soon as I call everyone to the table, this beautiful sheetpan full of biscuits will be destroyed and all that will remain will be a few crumbs and some sticky spots from honey drips. Response: Nature and Neglect — Cheryl Forces are conspiring to destroy our […]


The Call: Guess What’s for Dinner? — Jessica Narrative. Story. In certain photography circles it’s a big deal and a constant topic of conversation. The ultimate goal is to tell stories with your photographs. But a story has a beginning, a middle and an end. How do you translate that into a single frame? I […]