Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: bubbles


The Call: Blowing Bubbles — Cheryl When I decided on placid for today’s Call, I imagined I’d create an image involving water, but I was thinking the calm, reflective surface of a lake, not bubbles floating through the air. Placid means calm, not agitated or disturbed, so blowing bubbles actually fits the bill for me. […]


The Call: Bubbling Over — Cheryl If I had to enumerate my strengths, perseverance would top the list. Thanks, in part, to perseverance: I still attend Mass each week with all six kids; Dennis and I survived years of physical separation while dating to stay together and eventually marry; I’ve been homeschooling for about 13 […]


The Call: Touch — Jessica Danny was nursing and napping on my lap this afternoon. There are a million and one things that I ought to be doing while he naps. But that would involve putting him down on the bed and he is just so comfortable on my lap. And I am so comfortable […]