Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: blue


The Response: Recollections of Liberty — Cheryl I keep returning to my paintings and starting new ones to use as fodder in my multiple exposure and composite images. Combining them in this way seems like a perfect synthesis for me.


The Call: Frozen Man and Dog in the Mountains — Cheryl I’m getting better about trusting the work—surrendering myself to it—and letting others find their own meaning in what I create. It is a beautiful thing and has everything in the world (and perhaps whatever comes next) to do with growing in faith. The image […]


The Response: Blue with Cold — Cheryl This was a tough image to finalize. I played with temperature, clarity, tint, saturation. The multiple exposure sometimes throws me for a loop. I look at my images and like what I see, but start to doubt. “Nobody else will get it,” I think. “This is not what […]

Icicles with Ink Blot

Cheryl The dark shapes behind the icicles are trees. I did some significant adjusting of levels and liked the results.

Glass of Water



The Call: What’s He Doing? — Jessica The human face and especially the eyes are such a strong element in a photograph that once our eyes find the subjects eye we will automatically follow their gaze — even if it is out of the frame. The trick is to capture a gaze that directs the […]


The Call: Blue Paint — Cheryl Art time (when I can fit it in) is always the bright spot in my day. The Response: Between the Fence and the Shed — Jessica A bright subject calls for a dark ground — with the little tiny bit of snow we’ve had that poses a big challenge.


The Call: Blue Beauty — Cheryl Each year, I’m stunned by the simple beauty I can create with Christmas lights and crystal or glass. The Response: Tomb of the Unknown — Jessica Today my daughter’s American Heritage Girl troop went to Arlington Cemetery to help out with the annual Wreaths Across America. It was quite […]