Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Tag: basket


The Response: Before It Goes Away — Cheryl When I saw the pattern the sunlight and a basket was making on the floor of my studio, I yelled for Stella — prodding a bit so she’d move quickly — and hoped I’d get the shot in time.


The Call: Not a Picnic — Jessica It was too hot and muggy outside for a picnic today, and besides it kept threatening to rain. So we pulled out the art supplies instead. I’m in a bit of photographic rut. And then I saw this and it all made sense: Thinking is hard. Snapshots are […]


The Call: Local Harvest — Cheryl After Jack’s “checkout” with the pediatrician, we stopped at the shop of our local apple orchard (less than half a mile from our house: quite convenient) and picked up a few things. Tonight, I’ll use the plums and apples in a crisp, the cucumbers as a side with our […]