Grandeur, Dignity, Power, Rebirth

First Response: Beauty at the End of Earthly Life — Cheryl

In every age the Church has called upon the arts to give expression to the beauty of her faith and to proclaim the Gospel message of the grandeur of God’s creation, the dignity of human beings made in his image and likeness, and the power of Christ’s death and resurrection to bring redemption and rebirth to a world touched by the tragedy of sin and death. — Pope Francis

Here in central Maine, I’m surrounded by old New England cemeteries. They are uniquely beautiful places. It is humbling to look at stones that mark the resting places of people who lived hundreds of years before me. Old graveyards remind me that the world will go on without me, but while I’m here, on this earth, I can gaze upon the grandeur of God’s creation, recognize the dignity of human beings made in God’s image and likeness, and give thanks that Christ died and rose so that I may one day do the same.