Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Month: February, 2014



Seeing Double

Jessica …I thought it looked cool. My model just rolled his eyes.

Layers of Meaning

Cheryl I started the day with a shot of my prayer book and cup of coffee. An early morning rehearsal (OK, 9:00 is early for me) for Bridget meant I had to be up and at ’em, so I brought the camera and got some lovely, snowy shots. Since my prayer book and coffee shot […]

Prayer Book with Tea


Icicles with Ink Blot

Cheryl The dark shapes behind the icicles are trees. I did some significant adjusting of levels and liked the results.

Ice Storm


Twilight Tranquility


Domestic Tranquility

Jessica Cooking and cleaning are not my strong suit. But it is nice when I’m able to drill through and come out with a clean desk. It becomes an oasis of peace in the chaos that is our home.

Barbeque Sauce in Process


Concert Poster
