279/365: The Office

I finally really began to play around with Hipstamatic on my iPod touch. Wow! What fun! So many different combos of lens and film and effects that you can get…I had a blast playing with square frames, retro effects and blurry/low contrast pictures.

280/365: Circles

These two pictures, in particular, really swept me off my feet. The blue tones in the sky!!! Oh my!!

283/365: The Most Sun We'll See Today

But the colors are second, I think, to the fun abstractness that you can pull out with the square frame. Well, at any rate, it’s been fun and I have really enjoyed the break from the picture grind…I had so much on my mind with making sure everyone was ready for school.

286/365: Red

Today is the first full day of school for all four of my school-aged kids. Whew! It’s a lot quieter (but not totally since I still have 4.5 and 2 year olds with me! ) And now it’s time to get back to shooting with the “real” camera. I still have so much to learn…I’m looking forward to starting Kat Sloma’s Finding Your Eye course. I’ve heard lots of good things about it.