
The Response: Eight of Hearts — Jessica

I don’t trust my judgement. Experience has taught me that I don’t often judge correctly. Like today. I had a lot to do (like every day the past two weeks) and so I stuck to my list and didn’t finish half of the items. As I began to feel the pressure of time slipping away, I pushed through harder on the list items. Maybe what I should have done was take a break, run outside to feel the gorgeous spring day and grab a few pictures of my neighbors’ pagoda surrounded by blooming cherry and dogwood trees.

That would have been a good call. Instead, I stuck to the list and still didn’t finish it and now I have this pent-up frustration at pushing my favorite things to the lowest priority. It’s always a battle, isn’t it? Against doing what needs to be done, what must be done and what we would like to do. I keep hearing how God uses our affinities but does that come at the cost of our responsibilities? Because in my life, there just isn’t enough time for both.