First Call: Colorful Sartorialist — Cheryl

Today I was led to a blog with a one-word, five-minute writing prompt published each Friday. It may be just what I need, and I think I’ll give it a go.

Before diving in this coming Friday, I’ll practice a bit, on my own. Right here. Right now.

I’m starting off with the word “color,” because it’s my Call for the week, and I’m hoping I can come up with something I can use.

Color. The Brits spell it “colour.” I sometimes wish we did.

Last week, I raised the blind on the big window in my studio all the way to the top. I was trying to get some extra light for a photo. I’ve left the blind where it is. Now I’m trying to get some extra color for my life.

The view out my window is really rather beautiful. We are blessed with lovely hardwoods in the forest that surrounds us, and autumn here brings deep, vibrant reds, light-filled golds and oranges that lean towards happy rather than dour.

I sometimes wonder what people think when they walk into my royal blue foyer and studio. Some of them tell me they like it. But those who are quiet?

The colors that surround me make me happy, but not in a jump-for-joy-because-I-can’t-contain-myself way. The bright, pure colors in my house and my artwork and my life make me feel content. They put my soul at ease and reassure me that everything’s OK. Better than OK, actually. The colors in my life, at some deep-down level, remind that God knows exactly what He’s doing and that He wants us to be happy in our hope in Him.

About the photo: that’s Stella, who seems to love color as much as I do.