Call & Response

a photographic dialogue

Month: February, 2014

In the Mirror


Through a Glass Darkly

Jessica I don’t think that this is the final iteration of this shot. It’s a rule-breaker and I’m okay with that. What I’m not sure about is the crop. Maybe I should have left the empty space on the right?

Not a Rule Follower

Cheryl She’s a lot like her mother that way. ; )

Drumming Along


Full-Face Smile



Jessica He was too much of an imp to sit long enough to let me focus the Lensbaby (plastic optic). It was a long week so I’m half-brain dead and coming up pretty dry on ideas. Hopefully, I’ll be able to recharge over the weekend.

Nothing New Here

Cheryl The only thing nature has been giving us is snow, so I have to settle for purchased vegetation.

They Rise

Jessica March is coming…

Flowers in February

Cheryl Dennis always says, “There’s a reason February is the shortest month.” Sometimes you need flowers to get through it.

The Aftermath

Jessica We were hit by a bad stomach bug over our long snow day/weekend. No one was left standing. And now…three loads of towels and a canister or two of clorox wipes later…I think we are just about done.

Out in the Snow


Snow Bound

Jessica India loves the snow. Right now, no one else is all that enthused about it.

Toys on the Steps


Red Beads
